Comprehensive Quantitative and Qualitative Fit-Testing


Here at FitTest we are committed to delivering top-quality Face Fit-Testing services to help companies comply with legislation and industry regulations. FitTest specializes in offering comprehensive on-site RPE face Fit-Testing both Comprehensive Quantitative and Qualitative Fit-Testing.
Our team of experienced and highly qualified Fit2Fit accredited fit testers utilizes cutting-edge technology, including the latest TSI Portacount Pro testing equipment, to ensure the most accurate and reliable results. With FitTest, you can rely on our team of professionals who are equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment to deliver outstanding mask integrity testing services. We prioritize the integrity of masks for optimal respiratory protection.

About US
FitTest Testing

Amon Electronics Ltd.

Amon Electronics

TSI Gold Sales Partner

TSI Gold Sales Partner

Fit 2 Fit Accredited

Fit 2 Fit Accredited


Let us help you create a safer work environment for your employees
FitTest Ireland

Adherence to Regulations and Standards
We understand the significance of compliance with respiratory protective equipment regulations. Our testing procedures adhere to the INDG479 guidelines, ensuring that respiratory protective equipment (RPE) selected as a control measure meets adequacy and suitability criteria. For general advice on RPE selection, we follow the HSE guidance document "Respiratory Protective Equipment at Work: A Practical Guide" (HSG53).

Prioritizing a Healthy Workforce
At Fittest, we recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy workforce. Our dedicated team is focused on providing comprehensive Quantitative or Qualitative RPE Fit-Testing, implementing best practices while minimizing disruption to your business operations. With our modern testing methodologies, we prioritize the wellbeing of your employees.
Explore our user-friendly website to learn more about our services and access relevant resources. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the professionalism and expertise that FitTest brings to the world of Fit-Testing. Let us help you create a safer work environment for your employees.